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Contractor Guides

Hidden costs you`ll need to consider as a freelancer

If you’re considering becoming a freelancer, regardless of the industry, there’s likely to be some hidden costs you might not…

Contractor Guides

Making the Transition – Moving from Permanent to Contracting

Making the switch from a secure, permanent position to the world of contracting is a big step, and one that…

Contractor Guides

Increase in Cyber Attacks Continues

We’ve spoken about the prevalence of cyber attacks on these pages before. As we become ever more reliant on digital…

Contractor Guides

4 must-know tips from seasoned freelancers

If you’re new to freelancing or contracting and you’re after some advice from seasoned professionals then today’s your lucky day! We…

Contractor Guides

4 things no one tells you about becoming a freelancer

Thinking of taking your career into your own hands? If you’re toying with the idea of becoming a contractor or…

Contractor Guides

5 Tax Planning Tips for Contractors and Freelancers

As a contractor or freelancer, just hearing the word tax can fill you with panic – but there’s really nothing…

Contractor Guides

Avoiding rail havoc: remote working

Whether you choose to drive or use public transport, one thing you can’t ignore is the havoc caused by engineering…

Contractor Guides

Don`t forget the online self-assessment tax return deadline!

The deadline for your online self-assessment tax return is coming up fast – 31 January 2017 to be exact. If…

Contractor Guides

Contractor Insurance Checklist: Do you have the right limits?

One horror story we regularly hear from contractors is that they did have insurance but were, in fact, underinsured. While…

Contractor Guides

Contractor Insurance Checklist: Are you meeting your contractual obligations?

Whether you’re a veteran contractor or a newbie, whether you’re in IT or engineering, you’ve almost certainly discovered by now…