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Contractor Guides

Health and Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry

It’s no secret that the petroleum industry is exposed to certain, very specific risks. If you’re a freelancer in the…

Contractor Guides

Tax and the modern freelancer

You’ve established yourself as a freelance contractor; you’ve networked, you’ve set up your home office, and you’ve completed your first…

Contractor Guides

Books And Magazines For Contractors

What do you read? Fiction, history, biographies? I doubt many of us would have “Business Guides” or “Self Improvement” titles…

Contractor Guides

Marketing For Contractors On A Limited Budget

We know that marketing for contractors can be tough if you’re trying to pull together interest on your own. This…

Contractor Guides

Clients You Should Avoid As A Contractor

As a contractor you probably want to jump at every work opportunity that comes your way, though realistically you should probably…

Contractor Guides

August Contractor News Round Up

Your monthly round-up of August’s top contractor news. Small and Medium enterprise interest in freelancers is growing. The appeal of…

Contractor Guides

How Can Contractors Avoid Late Payment?

You probably know the feeling. You have a meeting with a client; learn their work goals, complete the work and…

Contractor Guides

What Is Contractor Insurance?

Working as a self-employed contractor may give you freedom to be your own boss, but it also means that you…

Contractor Guides

Controlling Persons Legislation Abandoned

The Chancellor finally brought the speculation around the government’s proposed Controlling Persons legislation to a close when he delivered his…

Contractor Guides

Looking on the Bright Side: Optimistic News for Contractors

This morning my local news station reported that today’s top story was ‘rain’. I felt immense sympathy for those who…