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5 things recruiters should think about other than IR35

We’re guilty of it too – concentrating solely on IR35 at the expense of…well, everything else! IR35 presented big changes…

Contractor Guides

What is retroactive cover?

When looking at your contractor insurance options, it’s important to understand exactly what the policy is offering you, to ensure…


Contractor News: May

The month of May saw further lockdown restrictions ease, with the rules changing to finally allow people to hug their loved ones again. We can also now meet inside (with restrictions),…


Freelancing and accountancy: Ask Andy Answers

We’re nearly two months on from the introduction of the IR35 reforms in the private sector, but many of you…


Terms of engagement and end client issues: Ask Andy Answers

As contractors get to grips with the IR35 reforms, they continue to be a source of confusion for many. Kingsbridge’s…


How much will an IR35 tribunal cost?

It’s now well over a month since the IR35 reforms came into effect, shifting the liability of your IR35 status from you as the contractor to your fee-payer. But what exactly does…


Living with IR35: Ask Andy Answers

As the 2021/22 tax year gets into its stride, the IR35 questions for Andy Vessey, Kingsbridge’s Head of Tax and…

Partner News

How to make your recruitment office greener

We never thought we’d be so happy to see our offices again. Desks that don’t double as dining room tables!…


Gary Lineker targeted by HMRC over £4.9m IR35 bill

BBC presenter Gary Lineker is currently being chased by HMRC for £4.9 million in taxes and national insurance. During the First-Tier Tribunal released in April, it was declared that the Match…


Pensions and National Insurance: Ask Andy Answers

It’s hard to believe that the private sector IR35 reforms have been with us for a month already, but here…