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IR35 reform confirmed for 2021 after House of Commons debate for further delay

Limited company contractors and anti-IR35 campaigners alike are left disappointed but unsurprised by this inaction, with many hoping the 12-month…

Contracting Life

Homeschooling: What resources are available?

Teaching is a highly specialised job and many parents are already beginning to appreciate the difficult job that our teachers…


IR35 delay: Contractors` questions answered

After months and months of preparation for the IR35 reform due to launch on 6th April, it was announced that…


IR35 reform 2021 date cemented alongside damning House of Lords report?

On Monday 27th April, it was confirmed during the daily House of Commons proceedings that the private sector IR35 reform…


An IR35 glossary to break through the IR35 jargon

With just over a month to go until the new IR35 legislation kicks in on 6th April 2020, our key…


Getting ready for IR35 webinar

On 20th February 2020, Kingsbridge ran a webinar hosted by Kingsbridge’s own Legal Manager, Nicola Hayman, Matt Tyler from IR35…

Partner News

How recruiters can implement IR35 Protect into their business

Kingsbridge have been hosting a series of online and offline events; the latest being an Industry Insight panel discussion held in…

Contractor Guides

Spring Budget 2020: what it means for contractors

Contractors, recruiters, accountants, end clients and everyone else in the sector have been waiting with eager interest for the Spring…


Government announce IR35 reforms delayed until April 2021

In an unexpected move yesterday evening, the Government called a temporary halt to the introduction of IR35 reforms. Originally due…

Contractor Guides

How should I set my daily rate as a contractor?

As we hurtle towards another new year, people everywhere start thinking about pay rises, and contractors are no exception. You…